Kids' Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,
I would like one of everything.
Dear Santa,
This is the last letter you will ever get from me. Next year I'll be seven and I won't believe in you any more.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the baby sister you left last year. I hope you'll do better this year.
Dear Santa,
My mother says that you only leave presents for good boys. That isn't fair.
Dear Santa,
Please hurry up and come to my house. I've been a good boy all year, but I can't hold out much longer.
Dear Santa,
Could you send me a snorkel and some flippers? I am learning to be a deep sea diver in the bath tub.
Dear Santa,
Can you give a pretty present to my teacher and tell her it came from me? I think it would help a lot.
Dear Santa,
I wrote you last year and said I wanted a surprise, and you left a book. I don't want any more surprises.
Dear Santa,
Do you leave presents for little boys who flunk arithmetic? A friend of mine wants to know.
Dear Santa,
Last year you sent me the baby brother I asked for. This year I want you to take him back.
Dear Santa,
Would you rather have me leave you cookies and milk or pizza and beer? My dad says he thinks you'd want the pizza and beer.
Dear Santa,
Do your reindeer eat cookies, too? Mom won't let me bring hay into the living room.
Dear Santa,
I would like a doll for Christmas this year. I want one that sleeps, cries, walks, and can help me clean my bedroom.

[author and source unknown]

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